Monthly Archives: February 2011

Looks like a tough guy

I think one of hubby’s former staff used to take creatine supplements to enhance his built. He is not a body builder as far as I know. He is a cyclist and had been active in joining competition. Maybe his kind of sport requires him to have a big body or toned muscle to endure the tough condition of the race. With his physique, no wonder he was always mistaken as a tough guy.

Diet Cookie

I used to eat Hollywood Cookie diet in 2009. Somebody from hubby’s office gave him a boxful. The person who gave the cookies must have seen me this big so he gave hubby those cookies. lol

The box contains 12 meal replacement cookies or let say a three-day supply for the serious weight watchers. It’s only one box I might be needing tons of those diet cookies to shed my excess pounds. Tehee.

If its an Energy diet pill, I’m not sure if I will be that brave to take them just like I ate those cookies with gusto.

Keeping the love alive

I know some couple who separate due to lack of communication or lack of time for each other. They may be living under one roof but they don’t see eye to eye. If you sense that something is wrong with the relationship and you still want to save what is left of it, have time and be open to discuss the things that bruised your relationship. If you want to patch things up, you can arrange a vacation for the two of you and maybe you need the best male enhancement to rekindle the romance that brought the two of you together in the first place.