Category Archives: Christmas gift

Diamond pendant

My friend’s birthday is coming soon and it almost coincides with Christmas!  Oh, I’m so excited for my friend because her husband had hinted that he is going to let her choose a lab grown diamond solitaire pendant for her birthday and Christmas gift!  I’m happy for her and I, too, have dreamt of owning a real diamond solitaire someday. My friend’s wish is coming true. I’m sure she is looking forward to her Big day!

Online Distractions

Not that I am complaining but there is just way too many distractions online that whenever I set out to do some online tasks, the original plan of spending half an hour on my blogs or articles to be submitted ends up longer than I expected. The culprit? A host of social media network distractions plus other online sites that I simply cannot stay away from. I saw this very cute superhero cufflinks in one of those online shops and I am thinking who to buy it for. Of course, I imagined any of my young nephews will look good wearing one on special occasions. Maybe I can have some for them and the hubby, too.

Okay, enough of the cufflinks, I need to get back to work now so I can get some job done. Later…

Efficient delivery

My sister who works in Macau sent a package containing assorted items for her kids and our mother. The big box was delivered by a delivery van. The delivery man got our address correctly because the address labels in the balikbayan box were properly filled out with my home address and even mobile number by their counterpart office in Macau.

I’ve opened the box because my sister instructed me to take out all the perishable items including chocolates and place them inside the ref. My sister will be home on the 31st.