Category Archives: Drugs-related issue

Different Treatments for Emotional Trauma

If you’ve experienced emotional trauma in your life, you might be experiencing the negative effects of a traumatic event. Perhaps you deal with anxiety on a daily basis or maybe you drink alcohol or use drugs to drown your sorrows. Whatever the case, you should consider treatment for your emotional trauma. it’s not healthy to go through life carrying around your pain. However, it is healthy to talk about that pain and eventually bury those negative feelings. There are many types of treatments for emotional trauma. You can choose one that’s best for your needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a great option for people who constantly deal with negative thoughts and engage in behaviors that reflect those thoughts. CBT helps patients cope with negative feelings and thoughts by using more rational thinking. It challenges and changes unhelpful cognitive distortions and behaviors, improves emotional regulation and helps patients develop personal coping strategies that target solving certain problems.

For example, a common CBT intervention might include learning how to manage stress and anxiety. Your therapist might show you relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing or coping self-talk, such as “I’ve done this before. Take deep breaths”.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

A more involved treatment for trauma kent county RI might entail eye movement desensitization processing (EMDR). This process involves having a patient visualize or act out a personal experience that troubles them. This can be helpful in desensitizing the patient from the scary and troubling feelings they experience by thinking of a traumatic event. After they visualize the event, they identify a positive belief about themselves, which helps them focus on more positive things and not put so much energy into negative things.

Seeking help for your emotional trauma is of the utmost importance. Your mental health is an integral aspect of your wellbeing.

Be responsible this Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, health practitioners are reminding adults to always practice safe sex.

In a Facebook post, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-Philippines admitted that condom use is still unpopular, with only 38 percent of men who have sex with men (MSM) using condoms when having sex (IHBSS, 2018). A recent UNODC-Ph study disclosed that MSM who had experience using drugs where twice more likely to have condomless sex.

“While it may be awesome to make love without a condom, we are increasing the possibility of getting infected by HIV and other sexually-transmitted infections,” the FB post said.

As a Valentine’s Day reminder, the UNODC-ph encouraged the public to lower the risk of HIV and STDs by using condoms. “We can still enjoy making love while USING CONDOMS. They are free. Contact your nearest sexual health facilities.”

A total of 70,740 individuals have been diagnosed with HIV in the Philippines since 1984. Ninety-four percent are males. Sexual contact is the most common mode of HIV transmission.

Detox: An important part of drug rehabilitation process

Drug treatment includes detoxification or the removal of toxic substances into the patient’s system. There are several types of drug detox. One of which is fast opiate detox. It is during this process (detoxification) that patients need the full support of their families and friends; the medical staff and their own peers inside the rehab to recover and eventually send back to mainstream to lead a normal life. But this is after an extended psychological counseling to treat the mental aspect of addiction.

Drug addiction is truly a menace and it’s everybody’s concern to do something to curb if not eradicate the problem. Parents with young children should be vigilant all the time. If you are a parent like me, try to be your children’s confidant. Win their trust not to nose around but guide them in every way you can. Try to explain the things that you want your children to avoid or quit doing for their own good. Parents should know the people their kids are dealing with. And most importantly, listen to your kids.

For kids out there, it always pays to heed your mom’s advice. She may not be perfect, but mom’s intuition will always keep you away from trouble.

Image credit: Nuchylee –