Tag Archives: relationship

Questions to Discuss Before Marriage

Marriage is a big commitment to enter into. You’re giving your life to someone else and promising to be there for that person forever. It can be scary, especially with the high rates of divorce, but being realistic about things can help ensure you have a strong relationship. Here are a few things you should discuss prior to walking down the aisle. 

Will You Have Kids?

Although you don’t necessarily need to plan out how many you’ll have and when you’ll have them, it’s a good idea to know whether your partner wants children at all. If you are going to have kids, you may want to think about going to a Jacksonville family law firm and having a will drawn up. You’ll want to decide who will raise them if anything happens to you and your spouse. 

Where Will You Live?

Are you planning on finding a new place together, or are you going to move into one of your current homes? You may also want to talk about where you want to settle down. What would you do if one of you got a big job promotion, but it required you to move to another state?

Who Handles the Money?

You should talk about whether you plan to have separate accounts or joint accounts. Figure out who is going to pay the bills and do your taxes. You may also want to go ahead and sit down a make a budget together.

It may seem easier to ignore these big decisions and just enjoy the bliss of the engagement phase, but putting these discussions off until after the wedding can end up being disastrous. If you aren’t sure how to approach these topics, consider attending premarital counseling. After all, it’s best to know what you’re getting into before you take the big leap. 

When the happy-ever-after becomes a not-so-happy ending

Back in the days people stick to their wedding vows and stay in the sanctity of their marriage against all odds. After women’s liberation and the new age, people’s idea of marriage and life, in general, made a 360-turn, and subjects which used to be taboo where suddenly discussed in public. Nowadays, people are either filing for divorce here and there or seeking the services of the best Divorce Lawyer Fairfax can offer. Divorce can be ugly and will leave a lot of broken hearts and lives in its wake, with little children as casualties. No one would probably dream of being in this situation, but sometimes it may very well be the next best thing to do. It can actually be quite a pendulum that swings both ways. Either way, you have to seek the Divorce Lawyer Prince William will seek himself, if he ever finds himself in this predicament, to be sure the judge rules to your side. It might not ease the pain, but a positive decision in your favor can really work wonders.

Dannenbaum Law Firm, PLLC
2300 Clarendon Blvd.Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (703) 465-0005

Relationships Gone Bad

I recently read two interesting stories about two relationships that gone sour. The stories center on two married women who have to endure everything just to keep their marriage work. The first woman hold on to her marriage despite living with a philandering husband, the other woman (wife) decided to leave their nest and move on without her husband. How could a man profess to love a woman for life and give her expensive diamond stud earrings and then years later dump her and all the good years they’ve been through just because he found someone young and exciting.

Despite what these women went through their stories did not end in tragedy as both women chose to live a new life with their children.