Tag Archives: rifle scopes

My first helicopter ride

The year was 1991 and I was a stringer of the Philippine News Agency (PNA), the official news agency of the government, when I had the chance to ride a military helicopter. I admit I was nervous on our way to Quezon Province for an affair with higher officials in Camp Nakar. Who would not get nervous when all that was holding me to my seat was a loose seat belt and the door was not even closed so I could feel the cold wind touching my face while we were flying.

After a few minutes in the air, I was already enjoying the short flight to the province even if we were actually flying in the “unsafe” zone for the military.  Our military companion were in battle gear, some were even holding rifle scopes. I felt safe during the trip even if I was the only girl stringer during the coverage. The military personnel were kind in treating a newbie like me.