Tag Archives: what to do if you have knee injury

Caring for a Knee Injury

A knee injury can be really distressing because it makes it difficult to get around comfortably. Here are some important things to keep in mind about how to care for an injury.

Photo by Anna Auza on Unsplash

Use Ice to Reduce Inflammation

Some injuries don’t hurt badly right when they happen, and pain will set in only after inflammation does. Within the first forty-eight hours of an injury, ice can help prevent your knee from swelling up and being particularly painful.

Keep Your Knee Elevated

Immediately after an injury, keeping your knee elevated will help reduce inflammation and swelling. Lie back and keep your knee on a pillow above your chest.

Seek Medical Attention

If a knee injury is causing you serious pain, it’s important to get medical treatment. If you delay in getting treatment, you could end up aggravating your injury. Your doctor may order imaging so to diagnose your injury and recommend a treatment plan.

Get Help With Workers’ Compensation

If you sustained your injury while you were at work, your treatment should be covered by workers’ compensation. If you were denied coverage, you may need to get help to successfully challenge the denial. If you need help from an attorney who is experienced in helping people who are coping with knee injuries Oregon, work with someone who can help you evaluate your individual injury and advise you about your rights.  

Work With a Physical Therapist

If you have a severe sprain or a tear in your knee that requires surgery, physical therapy will be integral to your recovery. A physical therapist can help you reduce your pain levels, strengthen the muscles supporting the joint, and improve your mobility.

Dealing with a knee injury can be tough. Be careful about taking care of it right after it happens, and get professional help so you can get back to feeling like yourself as soon as possible.