Monthly Archives: May 2011

What is your take on RH Bill?

The debate over the pro and anti-reproductive health bill is heating up. Much research has been presented by both sides citing the “good” and the “bad” points in the controversial health bill. Still, I hope the merits should be considered by both parties.

Personally, I’m for the passing of RH Bill. You can read my explanation here.

However, no one can influence my personal decision on what form of family planning method or the best multivitamin I need or if I want to take one. It’s my body and I’m responsible for  it. At the end of the day, it’s my own conscience that I have to deal with.

How about you, what is your stand on RH bill? I’ll be glad to hear your suggestion.

Looking for a related job

Hubby is in job hunting mode again. He needs to find an extra job to support our family. His company is undergoing a rough time for the past several months now. It couldn’t provide its employees even those in the managerial level, their basic salary on time.

We can’t survive for a take home pay of P2,000 or P4,000 for a pay period. We have two kids who are going to school and there are utility bills that are piling up.

Hubby’s job is related to some technical aspect of newspaper publication, but I’m not sure if he qualifies for tech jobs. But he certainly looks for position related to his current post. I hope he finds one soon.

Summer is not yet over

Despite afternoon rains, summer is not yet over, according to weather forecaster.

This means we will have to brace for more hot and humid days ahead. It would be difficult to sleep at night unless you have air conditioning at home or you have sexy french maid lingerie to wear for a good night’s sleep. lol

Forecaster said that southwest monsoon (or hanging habagat) and steady rain showers signal the start of the rainy season.

Weather experts further explain that what we experience right now is the effect of global warming, wherein the climate changes from its usual occurrence.