Monthly Archives: May 2020

3 Common Employment Mistakes of Small Business Owners

Starting your own business is a great idea until you realize how complicated hiring staff can make the process. You don’t want to spend the extra money to bring a human resource professional, and you may feel like you can handle two or three extra people and schedule. However, it isn’t this easy. Employment regulations are complex, and without a firm knowledge of these areas, your business may be liable for a lawsuit. If this happens you better make sure you have an employment law attorney Orlando on retainer. Don’t make these common business mistakes.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Misclassifying Your Employees

You need to know the difference between hiring an employee and using an independent contractor. When you use the classification of an independent contractor, your company doesn’t have to provide certain benefits or pay certain taxes. However, if you misclassify an employee as a contractor, you could be facing steep state and federal fines as well as an employee-instigated lawsuit.

Not Following the Employee Handbook

Your handbook might be small, but it is extremely important in addressing many of the decisions you or your employees make. The handbook outlines the expectations of employee behaviors and performance, but it also summarizes the benefits that employees are entitled to receive. If your company is brought to court, the handbook can serve as a protection and point of reference to show your company’s compliance with applicable labor laws.

Avoiding Employee Complaints

Even if you have two or three employees, it is important that you address and document all complaints and attempts at resolution. Failing to do so could leave your company vulnerable to discrimination or harassment lawsuits. Be on the lookout for areas that could fall under ADA areas, as well as sexual harassment.

Small companies are just as vulnerable to litigation as large corporations with dozens of employees. It may be in your best interest to work with a third-party HR management to help reduce your risk in these areas.

4 Technology Careers You Can Prepare for From Home

Widespread access to online and remote learning makes training for a new career possible no matter where you find yourself in life. This is becoming increasingly apparent in the tech sector where a wide range of jobs are available with degrees and certificates that can be earned online. Some don’t even go that far -real-world training and your ability will speak for themselves. If you have been thinking about a career in the technology industry and want to train form home, these four jobs are a good place to start. 

Photo by Alizée Baudez on Unsplash

1. Network Engineer

Are you interested in working with hardware? This could be a great choice. As a network engineer, you will set up and maintain the networks that allow devices to communicate. You’ll need a bachelor’s degree for many roles, but data center training courses may be enough for some entry-level ones. 

2. Computer Programmer

If you prefer to work alone or as a freelancer, then computer programming is a field worth looking into. Computer programmers write the code that allows desktops, mobile apps and proprietary equipment run. While a computer science degree is a great feature, experience and skill will be a major factor in entering this field. 

3. Web Developer

A web developer design and execute the style and technical aspects of websites. This role offers a chance to use more visual creativity than some others in the industry. A degree is nice to have, but your experience will carry much more weight with HR departments. 

4. Cybersecurity Analyst

Ransomware, malware and other cyber threats are everywhere these days and companies are willing to pay handsomely for security experts that can protect their information. Look for training programs that can be completed online to prepare you for this in-demand role. 

The ability to work and learn from home is attractive to many people. Finding the right tech career allows you the opportunity to do both. 

Why You Would Need a Debt Collection Attorney

Tired of getting calls from debt collectors? Do you feel as though companies are harassing you? If you work for an accounting department, you may see the other end of the spectrum. When clients are slow to pay their bills, it can be frustrating. In both cases, you may need debt collections attorneys manassas va. 

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

You Can’t Pay

There may be legitimate occasions where you are unable to pay your outstanding bills. Life’s circumstances can get in the way of your ability to keep on top of your finances. You can usually work out payment plans with accounting departments or collections agencies. However, if these organizations are not flexible, you can enlist the help of debt collections attorneys manassas va. Your attorney can help you negotiate terms with your creditor to satisfy both parties. Your lawyer will know how to effectively communicate with these companies because they have experience working with outstanding accounts. 

You Feel Harassed

If you are getting multiple calls a day asking you do pay up, you may be fed up. You may also get mail, email and threatening communications. You have rights, and your lawyer will protect your interests. Your attorney will look at your situation and determine whether you can justify filing a lawsuit for harassment. 

You Need To Protect Your Company

As an organization, you have the right to collect on the money that clients owe you. If people are deliberately avoiding you and not responding to your calls, an attorney can help you find ways to get the money you deserve. Instead of hiring a collections agency, a lawyer can start contacting customers, letting them know of the seriousness of the issue. Your lawyer may also talk about taking the customer to court.

If you are in these situations, consider hiring a debt collections attorney. Make an appointment to speak to one today.